If you are a tobacco treatment specialist looking for Continuing Education, please visit our Continuing Education Opportunities page or our Calendar of Events. You can also find a list of all Council-approved providers and events here.

If you are an educational/training institution seeking approval to offer Council-approved continuing education, please continue reading.


The Council is committed to providing leadership and promoting excellence in the professional preparation of Tobacco Treatment Specialists (TTSs) through continuing education (CE). The approval process enables the Council to recognize and promote learning opportunities that meet a defined set of criteria. Approval will serve as a guide to TTSs searching for reliable and evidence-based CE programs, especially after completing a CTTTP-accredited TTS training program.  Continued professional development is widely recognized as a fundamental way to enhance growth, improve skills, and ensure academic and practical qualifications remain up to date.

There are several types of approval. Applications are open to all organizations that meet the criteria for the specific type of approval requested. Each type of approval is briefly described here with additional details in the Continuing Education Approval: Application Guide [link coming soon].


  • A Workshop/Program is a synchronous event where the participants must attend the entire program to receive CE credit. (Fee $200)
  • Asynchronous events are considered a form of self-study and must incorporate a knowledge assessment. Examples include web-based programs, viewing recorded synchronous events, reviewing journal articles or other written materials (e.g. case studies). (Fee $200)
  • A Conference is a synchronous event where the participants choose among various sessions and only receive credit for the sessions attended. The event may occur over multiple days. (Fee $400)
  • Organizations are not required to have any previous CTTTP accreditation or continuing education approvals to apply for event approvals.


  • Qualifying organizations may apply for the status of CTTTP Approved Continuing Education Provider.
  • This approval allows an organization to deliver unlimited CE events (excluding conferences) during their approval period.
  • Organizations are required to meet certain criteria to be eligible to apply for this level of approval:
Eligibility CategoryApproval Timeframe

Categories 1 and 2: Organizations with prior CTTTP accreditation or approval.

Two Years: $600
Four Years: $1000

Category 3: New programs with no prior CTTTP accreditation or approval

Eligible for Two Year approval only $600



  • Download and read the Continuing Education Approval: Application Guide [link coming soon]
  • Complete the Intent to Apply form. This notification provides important information that our office needs to create a record of your application and generate an invoice
  • You will receive an invoice that includes information on how to submit payment, check, or credit card are acceptable.
  • You also will receive the link to a Google drive folder exclusively for your application.
  • Download the appropriate application [link coming soon]



  • Complete all sections of the application electronically. Cells will expand to accommodate text as needed. Click twice on check boxes and date fields to select. You will be notified if the application is incomplete, and you must upload the completed application before it is reviewed.
  • Please merge the completed application with all supporting materials into a single document (PDF preferred) before uploading to Google drive. Check out this quick guide [link coming soon] on how to do it using a free online tool.
  • Remember to submit all required Conflict of Interest Disclosure document via the link in the application or download the paper form here.
  • Links to the Minimum Data Set, a sample participant satisfaction survey and a sample certificate of completion can be found below.
  • Payment arrangements must be complete when submitting the application.
  • When your application is complete upload the application and all supporting materials to the Google drive provided. Notify us at info@ctttp.org when your upload is complete.


Reporting requirements are described in the application and Continuing Education Approval: Application Guideline. Upload reports to your Google drive folder by the due date(s) as noted in your approval letter.